The MOD lab just completed our pilot for the TLC experiment in the La Jolla Canyon. We were looking for turbulence near the bottom of the canyon, in the mid water-column and along the sides. More info about the goal of the project and the science can be found on the project page here. Below are some photos from the pilot.
The past two weeks we’ve been out sampling just outside La Jolla Shores and we spent many days leaving San Diego harbor at sunrise on the Beyster, one of the SIO fleet’s smallest research vessels.
San Diego harbor at sunrise
The Beyster
The Beyster as seen from some of our friends in another small SIO workboat.
We used our lab’s turbulence-measuring instrument, the epsilometer (left below), along with an ADCP (acoustic doppler current profiler) and an echosounder (right).
Epsilometer about to go down in the water.
ADCP + Echosounder
We had a cool lab setup that allowed us to see what was going on with all three instruments in real time.
Real time data! ADCP far left, echosounder middle and then the two right-hand screens are the epsilometer.
We sometimes had to repair the cable, but we always had fun doing it!
Eminent engineers doing cable repairs…
… and some more cable repairs…
And of course, while we worked long days, the views made it worthwhile.
See you next year for the full experiment!
Text and photos by Andrea Rodriguez-Marin Freudmann