Monsoon Intra-seasonal Oscillation in the bay of BENGAL
The active and break cycles of the Monsoon Intra-seasonal Oscillation (MISO) strongly modulate rainfall, sea surface temperature, heat fluxes and winds in the northern Indian Ocean. MISO variability represents a primary challenge to sub-seasonal weatherprediction and accurate simulation of upper ocean temperature and salinity structure.
Coupled regional climate models have shown that the ocean plays an important role insetting the propagation speed and intensity of the MISO. However, our current in situ knowledge of MISO-driven variability in the sub-surface ocean is mainly comprised of coarse resolution information from the ARGO float program and the RAMA mooring array in the Bay of Bengal.
The observational framework of the Monsoon Intra-seasonal Oscillations in the Tropical Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal (MISO-BoB) research Initiative, sponsored by the US Office of Naval Research, is aimed at clarifying the ocean’s role in modulating the Northward and North-Westward MISO advancement in the Bay of Bengal. The observational program includes shipboard oceanic and atmospheric measurements, autonomous observations, long-term moorings, supported by partnerships with Indian and Sri Lankan scientists and government agencies.