Sean Haney Memorial Symposium 2023
Scripps institution of oceanography
Feb 16-17 2023
We are excited to announce the first symposium in memory of Sean Haney
Sean was a physical oceanographer who worked at SIO from 2015 until 2021. After Sean passed away an endowed fund was established at UCSD —the Sean Haney Memorial Lecture Endowed Fund— dedicated to organize a symposium every year to foster the exciting science that Sean was so passionate about.
Monday-Wednesday Feb 13-15
Dr. Fox-Kemper will be at SIO, contact Jen MacKinnon if you’d like to meet with him.
Thu Feb 16th
9:30am: Surf at on the south side of SIO pier
12-1pm: Baylor lunch with SIO graduate students and postdocs (contact Kayleigh Jones to join)
3-3:30pm: Coffee, tea, refreshments at the Marine Conservation and Technology Facility (MCTF), Room 210
Address: 8890 Biological Grade, La Jolla, CA 92037
3:30-4pm: Introductory remarks
4-5pm: Public lecture by Baylor Fox-Kemper from Brown University titled
“Waves affect and detect climate”
5-6pm: Reception at MCTF on the patio adjacent to Room 210
Fri Feb 17th
9:30am: Surf on south side of SIO pier
5pm-8pm: SIO Happy Hour (“TG”) at Surfside which will be hosted by Sean’s friends & colleagues and dedicated in memory of Sean Haney. Please wear your Hawaiian shirt!
Address: 8604 El Paseo Grande, La Jolla, CA 92037
If you would like to donate to future Sean Haney memorial lectures, please go to and and enter “Sean R. Haney Memorial Lecture Endowment” in the search bar.
Pictures from the 2023 Haney Symposium below
Easiest access to MCTF Building
8890 Biological Grade, La Jolla, CA, 92037