This past week several members of the MOD squad headed to South Hadely, Massachusetts for the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Ocean Mixing. Held at Mt Holyoke College, the oldest member of the historic Seven Sisters colleges”, a group of elite historically women's colleges in the Northeastern United States with notable alumni such as Emily Dickinson and Frances Perkins, the 170-ish conference participants were treated to lush surroundings and the company of lots of friendly geese.
The weekend kicked off with the Gordon Research Seminar, a two day grad student and post doc only event, where our own Andrew Parlier gave a talk on his work with instruments to measure small scale flows and mixing.
Andrew captivating the GRS audience (and Nicole’s last name is Couto not Cuoto).
Bethan Wynne-Cattanach sharing her work on BLT with everyone at the conference.
Later in the week there were sessions and talks on topics ranging from the role ocean mixing plays in climate dynamics and it’s impacts on biogeochemistry, ice-ocean interactions, internal waves, fronts and boundary layers. There was also plenty of time to discuss posters and socialize.
MOD members and friends out hiking in-between talks.
There were unfortunately more than one MOD member attendance lost to Covid both before and during the conference, but there were plenty of posters still and the incredibly supportive sprit that makes MOD what it is.
Text and photos by Kerstin Bergentz