BLT Test Moorings Recovered

Earlier this year in September we deployed two moorings in our backyard in the San Diego Trough. The goal of the mooring deployments was twofold: First, the BLT team wanted to practice deploying and recovering a mooring system we are borrowing from our colleague Hans van Haren from NIOZ in the Netherlands. The NIOZ mooring sports a large number of in-house-built high-precision temperature sensors with their clocks synched via an inductive pulse. Their measurements provide information on ocean stratification at high frequencies and high vertical resolution and can be used to study turbulence. Second, we wanted to test a new design for a MAVS mooring. MAVS are acoustic travel time current meters that, paired with high precision thermistors, can be used to directly measure buoyancy fluxes. The test deployment of the MAVS will tell us whether the mooring is designed stable enough to allow for the high precision measurements needed to directly observe buoyancy fluxes. Eventually, both of these mooring types will be deployed during the main experimental phase of BLT in the Rockall Trough in summer 2020.

Today, we successfully recovered both moorings and brought all instruments safely back on board. The weather conditions offshore were perfect for smooth mooring recoveries from the R/V Sproul, one of the smaller ships of the research fleet based in San Diego. Data analysis in the upcoming days will tell us how the moorings performed and whether adjustments are needed before the moorings will be deployed in the Rockall Trough. An exciting byproduct of the test deployment will be information on near bottom flow conditions, stratification, turbulence and buoyancy fluxes in the San Diego Trough, a region so close to Scripps Institution of Oceanography and yet not very well explored..

Spencer and Jeremiah getting the CTD ready.

Spencer and Jeremiah getting the CTD ready.

Spencer pinging on one of the moorings.

Spencer pinging on one of the moorings.

Bethan on the TSE winch.

Bethan on the TSE winch.

Bethan and Brian winding the thermistor chain onto the TSE winch.

Bethan and Brian winding the thermistor chain onto the TSE winch.

The WHOI team inspecting the recovered MAVS instruments.

The WHOI team inspecting the recovered MAVS instruments.

Jay preparing dinner.

Jay preparing dinner.

Scripps Institution of Oceanography gets $4.9M grant to find cause of deadly algae blooms

Post on The San Diego Union Tribune News:


Drew Lucas with the Wirewalker wave-powered sensor. Taken on the Scripps Oceanography Research Vessel Robert Gordon Sproul in 2015.

(Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego.)

Researchers seek long-range forecasts of neurotoxin-producing algal blooms 


OCT. 29, 2019

1 PM

Harmful algae blooms periodically erupt off the West Coast, injuring or killing marine mammals and costing fisheries millions. To better understand and predict these blooms, UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography has been awarded a $4.9 million federal grant.

The five-year grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was announced Monday. It’s intended to shed light on why algae in the genus Pseudo-nitzschia sometimes produce the neurotoxin domoic acid.

During these blooms, harvesting fish and shellfish is prohibited in affected areas, extending to coastal activities such as clam harvesting. In 2015, a particularly large harmful bloom extended off the West Coast from Alaska to Central California.

Existing models predict these blooms three to four days out, said Clarissa Anderson, an expert on harmful algae blooms and one of the four principal scientists on the five-year grant. However, these models don’t get at the cause. They’re largely based on an association between changes in water color and the appearance of these blooms.

“The models we produce are a lot like weather models,” said Anderson, director of Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System. “They’re a combination of dynamics and statistics, and sometimes that statistical part can break down a little bit.”

A 2018 study including researchers from Scripps and the J. Craig Venter Institute identified the genes involved in domoic acid production. But what activates them in nature is unknown.

Researchers will deploy sensors to monitor the ocean and collect samples, Anderson said.

“The way we will know the mechanism is that we will be looking at the genes and when they’re turned on and when they’re turned off,” she said.

After the data is received from the sensors, Anderson said she’ll be “translating” it into meaningful information, based on her long experience with the algae and domoic acid.

Ultimately, the research may enable seasonal forecasts of algae bloom risks, which fisheries can use to plan, she said. For example, Dungeness crab fisheries have been severely harmed in recent years by the domoic acid problem. They could time their fishing to avoid a contaminated harvest.

Deploying the sensors that will gather the data is the province of another scientist, Andrew J. “Drew” Lucas.

The other two scientists are Andrew Allen, a microbial oceanographer and genomics researcher with Scripps and the J Craig Venter Institute; and Bradley Moore a professor of marine biotechnology and biomedicine at Scripps and Skaggs School of Pharmacy at UC San Diego.

This combination of expertise allows the group to tackle complex questions, Lucas said.

“How is the toxin being produced? What types of organisms are we seeing? What is their genetic expression? What are the patterns of the flow of nutrients related to environmental variability? What are the patterns of temperature, salinity, the physical environmental drivers of the blooms?”

A physical oceanographer, Lucas examines how the ocean’s physical environment varies on a small scale, or in other words, the fluctuating oceanic microclimates.

“The coastal ocean off of California is quite variable on small scales,” Lucas said. “If you ask fishermen, you’ll find out quickly that they go to particular locations and it’ll be a bunch of fish in one place and right next door there’ll be none”

It’s hard to track these small-scale fluctuations with traditional methods such as sampling from ships, Lucas said. So the team will use smaller, autonomous vehicles that repeatedly sample water from one area at various depths.

These vehicles, called Wirewalkers, use wave energy to propel themselves up and down a vertical line enabling water sampling at various depths. This allows creation of finely detailed maps of ocean variability, over space, depth and time, Lucas said.

The Wirewalker platform was developed here at Scripps,” he said. “We’ll deploy a number of these vehicles with sensors on them. That will allow us to see the chemical characteristics of the ocean, the biological characteristics of the ocean and the physical characteristics of the ocean.”

“In that marriage between the physical environment and the biological response is the key, in my opinion, to forecasting the intensity of these blooms, where they’re going to occur and how toxic they’re going to be,” Lucas said.

On the San Diego Union Tribune News

Highlighting MOD research on board R/V Sally Ride in Palau

Visitors on the ship in Palau together with MOD scientists Jesse Cusack and Gunnar Voet (Photo: Arnaud Le Boyer).

Visitors on the ship in Palau together with MOD scientists Jesse Cusack and Gunnar Voet (Photo: Arnaud Le Boyer).

After a successful mooring recovery cruise in the tropical western North Pacific, a number of MOD scientists used the port stop in Palau to present their research to a number of local visitors. Students from the Palau Community College and the Mindszenty High School visited the ship, as well as David Idip and his team from PALARIS (GIS division of the Palau Government) and the US Ambassador to Palau, Amy Hyatt. The visitors also toured the ship from the bridge down to the engine rooms. We are grateful for Lori Colin from the Coral Reef Research Foundation in Palau for linking us up with all visiting groups.

MISOBOB Notes from the field, July 2019

Notes from the field on the R/V Sally Ride by Chief Scientist Emily Shroyer (OSU) with MOD-PIs (MacKinnon, Lucas) as part of the ONR-funded MISO-BOB experiment.


July 23, 2019:

Greetings from 16°N 89°E...

Over the last week we have been filling in our map with a ship-based survey, working in the general vicinity of gliders and drifting buoys. Our survey has been oriented across curving AVISO SSH contours associated with a strong eddy to our southwest (see map and WW-buoy time series figs, below). The SVPB drifters that we deployed early in the cruise have fully populated our sampling region. We have been lucky to find ourselves in a region of convergence with strong near-surface fronts. It appears this also a region of biological activity with 10(!) sea turtle sightings and elevated near-surface chlorophyll and backscatter from the FastCTD, all of which lines up well with satellite ocean color images. The general sense is of a productive coastal upwelling jet ejected into the central Bay by the energetic mesoscale. We have collected some beautiful cross-front sections detailing this jet's rapid and complex evolution, as well as several realizations of the ocean’s response to atmospheric cold pools.

The winds have been picking up over the last two days, but we had a few very calm/quiet days over the weekend. There have been a few scattered rain events, typically in the afternoon, but overall the conditions have been clear and sunny. We even had a beautiful view of the recent lunar eclipse (photo courtesy San). Over the next few days we are planning on intensive sampling around buoys 2 and 3. The forecast indicates an increased likelihood of convective activity, but a well-organized miso event that started propagating into the Bay will likely decline before reaching our area.

Emily with Drew, Jen, Tom, Jonathan and Simon


July 14, 2019:

We have set up on the western side of international waters in a strong eastward flow. The three WHOI-Wirewalker buoys have been out for a few days now. One turbulence glider and one Seaglider have also been deployed in the region while two Spray gliders slowly make their way north. Thirty of the thirty-five drifters are also in the water. We are running a long survey line with the ship on the upstream side of the buoy array. We have been transiting through a region of upper ocean variability (MLD, T/S. Fluorescence) that we think may be related to an offshore filament of upwelled coastal water (based on HYCOM). You can see our general set up in the figure below (courtesy Tom) that shows Aviso SSH and currents, the buoy tracks over the last two days, and the ship track over the last day.

Emily with Drew, Jen, Tom, Jonathan and Simon

Updating the Revelle’s novel velocity measuring system


The MOD group has long specialized in Doppler sonar techniques, pioneered over 30 years ago by Rob Pinkel and Jerry Smith.  For about 20 years, Scripps’ flagship the R/V Roger Revelle has carried a one-of-a-kind such system, the Hydrographic Doppler Sonar System (HDSS).  Unlike conventional Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers carried on most ships, the HDSS has much higher power and much narrower beams, allowing greater precision, finer resolution in the vertical and greater range.  While the Revelle is in dry dock for her midlife refit, our group is taking the opportunity to remove the HDSS from her hull, modernize it and reinstall it.

Many long hours have been spent underneath the Revelle.

Many long hours have been spent underneath the Revelle.

It is a massive job and we have now successfully removed the old system, which requires hard work and long hours beneath the enormous ship.  Creating the new system, which will have still higher power and will eventually allow better removal of the ship’s rolling and tilting from the measured signals, has involved long hours by the Marine Physical Laboratory machine shop and painstaking work repotting the transducers and cabling them. The final installation will take place in August.

Wish us luck!


Jennifer MacKinnon championing equity at Scripps

Professor Jennifer MacKinnon, third from right, was acknowledged for her work in cultivating belonging among early career scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Photo by Wesley Ruan

Professor Jennifer MacKinnon, third from right, was acknowledged for her work in cultivating belonging among early career scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Photo by Wesley Ruan

The MOD team’s own Jennifer MacKinnon has been appointed the new Associate Dean of the School of Marine Science for Faculty Equity. In addition, she was recently honoured at the UCSD annual Inclusive Excellence Award along with 13 other individuals at UCSD recognized for their outstanding efforts to celebrate cultural differences and promote fairness across campus. Read more here. 

Associate Dean for Faculty Equity is a new academic position at Scripps created with commitment to the UC San Diego Principles of Community, in particular to equitable practices for recruitment, retention and evaluation of faculty. The title is given to the SIO Faculty Equity Advisor (FEA), with hopes of enhancing the ability to recruit and retain excellent faculty and evaluate them in a fair way by having a ladder-rank faculty member specifically tasked with equity concerns in regards to these activities.

The new Associate Dean is not alone in the quest for fairness but will collaborate with the SIO coordinator for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives, and will be backed up by an Alternate FEA that will step in whenever the ocean calls the Associate Dean away on field work.

Professor MacKinnon is currently the Primary FEA, and her position as Associate Dean for Faculty Equity extends until June 2021, but is eligible for renewal.

Way to go Jen!

Hydrographic Doppler Sonar System (HDSS) upgrade

The Hydrographic Doppler Sonar System (HDSS), is now 20 years old and is getting upgraded when R/V Revelle undergoes her midlife refit this summer and fall.  HDSS is a state-of-the-art system for measuring ocean currents.  We are substantially upgrading and improving the old system, with enhancements including greater power and real-time beam forming that corrects for the roll and pitch of the ship, improving precision by keeping the beams much more constant orientation.

Engineers Sara Goheen and Mike Goldin and Professor Rob Pinkel ultrasonically clean a cable from the old system in preparation for the installation this summer and fall.

Engineers Sara Goheen and Mike Goldin and Professor Rob Pinkel ultrasonically clean a cable from the old system in preparation for the installation this summer and fall.

Arctic Aloha

We've spent the last few days in Nome, Alaska, loading the R/V Sikuliaq and preparing to set sail. We have been gifted with unusually warm sunny weather, and are celebrating with Aloha Friday.  We set sail tomorrow morning for points further north, wish us luck!

Photo: Members of the MOD group Jen MacKinnon, Giulio Meille, honorary member Ben Barton (Bangor U.), Effie Fine, Jonny Ladner, Sara Goheen, Nicole Couto, San Nguyen, and Mike Goldin. 
